Camiseta de Maternindad /Pregnancy
Camiseta corrector de postura y soporte de espalda y vientre para embarazo
La microfibra sin costuras forma una linea debajo del busto transpirable diseñado con transpirabilidad que absorbe la humedad. El soporte para el vientre incorporado ayuda a aliviar el peso del bebé, mientras que un panel trasero en forma de X se levanta.
back support pregnancy tank top is a dream! Instead of bulky back braces this is a tank that supports pregnancy back pain! A must!!!
Seamless microfiber shapes a breathable underbust tank designed with moisture-wicking breathability. Built-in belly support helps alleviate baby weight, while an X-shaped back panel lifts.'Bodystyler' Underbust Maternity Support Tank a great support tank to start wearing at 12 weeks of pregnancy and even afterwords especially for c-sectionBaby Bump Support - Blanqi Body Styler - Long Length (for when the bump comes) allows you to wear pre-pregnancy jeans longerBlanqi Body Styler - Nude (not sure if this is necessary, but it's been recommended)Blanqi back support pregnancy tank top is a dream! Instead of bulky back braces this is a tank that supports pregnancy back pain! A must!!!