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4 hooks Aggresive Latex Waist trainer

4 hooks Aggresive Latex Waist trainer


Please note these are Colombian sizes, a size 30 will not fit someone who’s waist measurement measure 30 inches, please scroll through the size chart

1 month warranty


Latex girdles last between 3 and 9 months, depending on their use. If you choose your correct size, they will last longer, If you choose a size smaller than your size you will damage the hooks and it is at your risk.


La Cinturilla de latex tiene una duracion entre 3 y 9 meses depende su uso ,si eliges la talla correcta te durara mas si eliges una mas chica que tu talla la forzaras y danaras los broches y es bajo tu riesgo 

Estamos orgullos de presentar la Nueva Cinturilla de latex 4 lineas de broches hecha en colombia con la mejor calidad de latex no se dobla no parte la cintura el latex no es delgado pero si flexible hecha por nosotros con el mejor control de calidad somos expertos en fajas ! tenemos que tener la mejor !Brand new Colombian latex waist trainer with 4 lines of hooks the best quality made from Elegant Figure Our products have the best quality made with the best Latex from Colombia !

Do not put it in the washer machine

Some sizes are on pre order ! Will ship out as soon as we receive !

¡Gracias por tu mensaje!

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with any question or concern every day we answer messages during work hours

Send us a text 214 650 7076
11528 Harry Hines Blvd Ste A-112   Dallas TX 75229


Bilingual 469-432-7048  (Monday-Saturday

  English     214-650-7076       (10 am to 6 pm)  Spanish only 214-812-9096   (10 am to 6 pm)


Please be mindful when contacting us, we will help you in our business days Monday to Saturday.

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